Actions I Can Take as a Parent or Family Member:

Become familiar with the Toolkit for New Mexico School Communities: Family, School, and Community Partnerships tools and steps that school communities can take to build family, school, and community partnerships for student success.

Ask school staff and other parents about using the Toolkit for New Mexico School Communities: Family, School, and Community Partnerships as part of a process to evaluate programs and the school’s level of family engagement efforts. Use the surveys and school-level assessment tools found in the Toolkit such as the School Level Starting Points: Family, School, and Community Partnerships Inventory.

Puntos de inicio para inventario a nivel escolar sobre la familia, escuela y socios comunitarios

Find out the school polices for visiting your children’s schools and how you can volunteer to help with and participate in school activities such as teacher professional development days, special school/community activities, after school programs, support for grandparents raising grandchildren, etc. Help to recruit bilingual parents to greet and interpret for families whose first language isn’t English. Ask the school district to provide translation headsets for parent meetings.

Inquire about parent committees at the school such as those required for programs such as Title I, Bilingual Education, Indian Education, Special Education, and Parent Advisory Committees.

Review the FAQ page here with commonly asked questions regarding family-school communication and student success.  Topics include: Understanding the School System, School Boards, Charter Schools, Next Step Plans for Students, Teacher and School Evaluation, Student Evaluation, NMPTA, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Laws and Policies Related to Family Engagement, and others.