Communicating Effectively

The school has established two-way channels for communication from home to school and from school to home.
Families are surveyed to identify issues and concerns.
School leaders involve parents in finding solutions to problems and concerns that need to be addressed.
School staff understand the needs of the families and communities they serve.
Effective family-school communication emphasizes the value of communication between home and school that is ongoing, two-way, meaningful, and focused on student learning. It also points to communication as the foundation of solid partnerships and the fact that when parents and school staff communicate effectively, positive relationships develop, problems are more easily solved, and students make greater progress.
Many ways that schools deliver information, such as handouts, newsletters, handbooks, and websites, do not always provide an easy and routine way for families to respond. Even parent group meetings are often seen by school leaders merely as a way to get the message out to families. The most effective way to build a real partnership is to create regular opportunities for open, honest dialogue.
There is one goal for Communicating Effectively
Share information between school and families:
All families should feel that the school keeps them informed on important issues and that it is easy to communicate with teachers, the principal, and other staff. The focus is on healthy two-way communication between the school and all families, regardless of language, time or other barriers that may exist. Key questions to ask include:
- Does your school offer many different ways to communicate every day?
- Does the school or parent group survey families at least once a year to find out what’s on their minds?
- Are the principal and other school administrators easily accessible to any parent
- Does the school and parent group make it easy for parents and families to build connections and communicate with each other?
- Is the school website useful and easily accessible to families