Supporting Student Success

Families are assisted in helping students to set academic goals, select courses and programs and plan for college, their next level of schooling (i.e. middle school and high school) or work.
Professional development and planning opportunities are provided related to family engagement and developing partnerships for student success.
Parent-teacher-student conference are carefully planned and accommodate parents’ schedules and transportation needs. Concern for students is the focus of teacher-parent interaction.
State and federal program requirements and funding sources for family engagement are carefully considered and leveraged to support effective policies and practices.
Family-School Partnerships designed to support sustainable initiatives that build knowledge and skills among educators and families to partner together around student success have an impact on healthy student development both at home and at school.
This area focuses on best practices to support sustainable initiatives that build capacity among educators and families to partner together around student success.
There are two main goals for Supporting Student Success
Share information about student progress:
Families should be informed of how their children are doing in school, as well as how the entire school is progressing.
- Do parents and teachers communicate about student progress?
- Do parents learn what good work looks like for their child’s age and grade?
- Does the school use assessment and test results to inform parents which student skills need strengthening? Tests such as ACCESS Language Proficiency, PARCC Tests, Classroom Assessments, and others as appropriate.
Support learning by engaging families:
Families should be active participants in their children’s learning at home and at school.
- Are families invited to observe their children’s classrooms, visit the school, and support student learning at school and/or home?
- How do schools help families strengthen learning at home?
- What after-school learning opportunities are there? What are the needs for these?