Step 2
Study Strengths and Needs Then Choose a Focus Area
As a Family-School Partnerships Action Team, review the Inventory and Survey findings. Utilize the Data Summary worksheet to analyze and consolidate your data. Highlight what the school is already strong in and choose one or two Focus Areas to carefully examine for action.
Review the School-Level Reflection Rubric below specific to the area(s) you have chosen.
Family-School Partnerships Data Summary
School-Level Reflection Rubrics
Refer to the School-Level Reflection Rubrics for the Focus Area(s) that you have identified as priorities. These will be helpful in examining what good practices look like and developing ideas for partnership practices and activities as you develop an Action Plan.
The School-Level Reflection Rubrics can also be used to monitor progress in reaching goals, designing professional development for school staff, and conducting a school walk-through. The levels of practice build on each other, assuming that practices in the emerging and professing levels will continue at the next level.