Step 1
Build a Team and Assess Your School’s Current Practices
Build an Action Team* to review the School-Level Starting Points Inventory: Family, School, and Community Partnerships and then plan for the Staff, Student, and Family Surveys below as you begin to assess your strengths and needs around family, school, and community partnerships and current practices for school improvement. As you go through the steps, you will identify specific areas of focus as well as resources, useful tips, and materials for each of the goals that you choose to include in your Action Plan.
* A Family-School Partnerships Action Team, working through the Framework, can be comprised of a school administrator, teachers, other school staff, a parent liaison, parent group leaders, and parents or family members that represent the socioeconomic, linguistic, and cultural diversity within the school.
School-Level Starting Points Inventory: Family, School, and Community Partnerships
Meet with your Action Team to complete the School-Level Starting Points Inventory: Family, School, and Community Partnerships to begin to assess strengths and needs around family-school partnerships within your school community.
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Puntos de inicio para inventario a nivel escolar sobre la familia, escuela y socios comunitarios
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Use the surveys below to gather authentic data about the perspectives and ideas of school staff, students, and families. The survey data will guide you in choosing Framework Focus Areas and in developing a strategic Action Plan. Refer to the video above for ideas on data collection methods.